On the road the Beetle is no better and perhaps a smidge below the Golf in terms of dynamics. However, for many the driving experience will be very much a secondary consideration. It will be judged on its visual appeal and there can be no argument that VW has got that part just right

It would be futile to suggest that the New Beetle is a better or worse car than comparably priced hatches, because no-one who buys it will be interested in such a comparison

Women smile, kids point, gnarly truck drivers wave and grin. This car strikes an extraordinary emotional chord. Left-brain critics will tell you it's just a Golf in drag. They don't get it. This is a feel-good statement, but if you just have to own one, then wait a few months for the hype to cool. The first 500 cars are spoken for, but there are 1,500 more on the way
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