SUZUKI is the latest importer trying to crack the notoriously tough sub-B car class with the return of the GF-series Alto. Green, sprightly and sassy it may be, but the smallest Suzuki still has a big job ahead if it is to convince Australians to forgo a nearly new light-car alternative. There are a few relatively minor compromises that come with the Alto’s size and positioning too, yet we believe that Suzuki may eventually find the success that has eluded so many previous baby car efforts – as long as it sharpens the price. Because, as the $14,490 GLX manual stands, the Alto seems a tad expensive.

Suzuki Mk4 Alto
Released: Dec 1995
Ended: Dec 1998
Family Tree: AltoAS Australia’s first imported new car from India, the Maruti-built Suzuki Alto had price and economy on its side, as well as the practicality of a five-door hatch, but failed to make a splash at a time when fuel prices were low and there was little call for a sub-Holden Barina-sized city car. A frugal and durable 39kW/72Nm 1.0-litre four-cylinder petrol engine drivetrain transmitted power to the front wheels via a five-speed manual gearbox. Equipment levels were good for the time, while the lightweight construction and eager engine provided lively acceleration and excellent urban manoeuvrability.
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